The Killdeer is perhaps the most common (and successful) of many species of plovers, a group of shorebirds, or waiders. The largest group of shorebirds are the sandpipers, but plovers come second.
The Killdeer is easily recognized by not only its call—kill deee—but by its distinctive black necklace and head bands. Unlike many sandpipers, which use sensitive bills to probe for food along the shore, the plovers hunt visually. It mainly eats insects: grasshoppers, fly larvae, spiders, etc.
The Killdeer does not build an elaborate nest, but merely lays its eggs on the open ground.
The Killdeer prowls the beach looking for things to eat.
A pair of Killdeer mate. The whole interaction lasted less than ten seconds.
A female Killdeer atop her eggs. Her nest is a shallow ground indentation.
Arlene Anderson
The Killdeer’s eggs are laid on open ground, in this case a garden at Lakeside Park.
Arlene Anderson
A Killdeer in flight.
Information from Wikipedia: Killdeer.