Kootenay Lake
satellite view of Kootenay Lake
This is a paean to Kootenay Lake. With an area of about 400 square
kilometers, Kootenay Lake is the largest natural body of fresh water in southern British Columbia, Canada. It bears a vague resemblance to a bow and arrow with the 100-kilometer-long Main Lake being the bow, and the 30-kilometer-long West Arm being the arrow.
I live along the West Arm and am occasionally wont to capture the moment and discuss it here: from beaches to birds, mirages to mammals, weather to wildflowers—whatever I find interesting. Yet, this anthology serves no purpose beyond that of a personal journal of discovery: it is not here to make a profit, promote a cause, build a reputation, encourage a tourist, or educate a soul—as with the Lake itself, the site merely is.
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