Bluish wildflowers

Most of these flowers have little in common beyond having bluish to purplish petals.

fairy slipperThe fairy slipper or calypso orchid (Calypso bulbosa) is inconspicuous on the forest floor below conifers. Indeed, the word, calypso, is a Greek word meaning, hidden.

wild roseAs with other local wild orchids, the fairy slipper depends upon a fungus in the soil. Consequently, it cannot easily be transplanted and should never be picked.

waterleafThis waterleaf (Hydrophyllum capitatum) displays a ball–shaped flowerhead which ranges in colour from white to lavender to blue.

asterThe aster (Symphyotrichum foliaceum) is found throughout southern BC. It looks somewhat like a daisy with bluish petals. These ones were found at Gibson Lake in Kokanee Glacier Park.

asterA bumble bee visits an aster

asterA field of asters.

blue clematisThe blue clematis (Clematis occidentalis) grows on a vine which can range up to ten meters long.  Nicole Tremblay

tufted vetchTufted vetch (Vicia cracca) is frequented by bees and butterflies for its nectar. This bumblebee has filled both of its pollen sacks.

tufted vetchThe tufted vetch (Vicia cracca) is a rapidly growing plant whose flowers are arranged in a one–sided raceme.

forgetmenotA sulphur visits a tufted vetch.

lupinesThe large–leaved lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) can present a dazzling display on dry slopes during May and June. These were along the West Arm of the Lake.

lupine racemeThe stock of the lupine forms a raceme—hundreds of individual flowers, each on its own short pedicel. As with all racemes, the flowers bloom progressively from the bottom up.

periwinkleThe bigleaf periwinkle (Vinca major) is an foreign implant and had only been known to be found in the wild at the Coast. However, this picture was taken in Kokanee Creek Provincial Park. The flower has clearly escaped the gardens locally.

bull thistle frogThere are a number of species of thistle. I am not able to tell them apart, but this may be the bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare). If so, it isn’t an invasive species.

forget-me-notThere are a few different species of forget–me–not. This may well be the one referred to as the true forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides).

forget-me-notThe tiny flowers of the forget-me-not can blanket a field in May.

purple yarrowThe purple yarrow, a not all–that–common variant on normal yarrow.

dame’s rocketThe dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis) comes in shades ranging from white to blue.

dame’s rocketDame’s rocket thrives in moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. These ones were seen in early June along the railway line through Nelson.

robert geraniumThis is a wild geranium known as Robert’s geranium (Geranium robertianum). This introduced spices which has become naturalized in B.C.

columbian monkshoodAll parts of the columbian monkshood (Aconitum columbianum) are highly poisonous. Indeed, the genus name, aconitum, means without a struggle suggesting how its victim would expire.

columbian monkshoodThe columbian monkshood isn’t easily confused with any other flower. The hood is a modified petal.

spotted knapweedThis delecate–looking flower is the much maligned spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa).

butterwortThe butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) is an unusual plant: it is insectivorous. The butterwort usually grows on moist soil lacking in nutrients. It supplements its diet by attracting insects to the slimy surface of its leaves. The leaves curl over the trapped insects, dissolving and absorbing them. Hulks of dead insects can be seen on some of these leaves.

butterwortA butterwort on a bank which shows clear seepage.  Nicole Tremblay

blue eyed grassThe blue–eyed grass (Sisyrinchium montanum) was growing alongside the the butterwort.

harebellThe harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) is usually blue, and while native here, is the same flower as the blue bells of Scotland. But, now and then a white one is seen (below).

harebellsBlue harebells are common.

harebellWhite harebells are not as common as the blue ones.

fireweedTthe fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) is so named because it springs up following a disturbance, such as fire.

fringecupThe tiny petals of the fringecup (Tellima grandiflora) form a fringe to the cup–shaped calyx.
 Nicole Tremblay

fireweedPurplish flowers grow along the tall stem of the fireweed

fireweedThis fireweed has a spectacular view of Kootenay Lake, far below.

wild roseThe flowers of the wild rose (Rosa acicularis) are large, pink and fragrant. They are found in clearings, open forests and rocky slopes throughout most of British Columbia.

chicoryChicory (Cichorium intybus) is common in southern BC where it is considered to be a noxious weed.

large flowered triteleiaThis large–flowered triteleia (Triteleia grandiflora) was found in a clearing.

purple peavineThe native purple peavine (Lathyrus nevadensis) looks quite similar the sweat pea.

sweet peaThe bumblebees which take an interest in the purple peavine are much larger than those which sip at clover.

climbing nightshadeThe climbing nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), also known as the European bittersweet, is an introduced species, but one which has been naturalized in BC.

unknownThis flower has stoutly resisted my attempts at identification, so I just have to respect its privacy.

Fraser tartan